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Guide for Developers new to Ontology

Version 0.7.0


Welcome to the Ontology developer community!

Ontology is a public chain infrastructure with a bold development outlook. Before formally starting development with Ontology, you first need to understand the Ontology technical community incentive plan and determine your development requirements, so that we can guide you on how to obtain development resources.

Ontology Technical Community Incentive Plan

The technical community is the core strength of public-chain projects. Ontology has set aside a 10% ONT token allocation as incentive for the technical community. This is the largest proportion reserved for a technical community in any public chain project. With the first Ontology open source projects released on GitHub, the technical community will be officially launched. No matter where you are in the world, you can participate in the technology community in a variety of ways. In the first stage, you can participate in the following ways:

  • Individual technical contributions

Individual technology participants can select projects that interest them to participate in, make new enhancement proposals (OEP), implement code, participate in testing, and many other ways. Individuals can also apply for new projects. The Ontology Foundation will give various levels of support according to different levels of contribution.

  • Technical community groups

Developers can organize different technical community groups based on their preference in technology direction to carry out larger-scale distributed technical collaborations. They can set a name for their group, develop their own group charter, select executive committees, evaluate and filter projects, set up their own GitHub, and so on. The Ontology Foundation will evaluate and support development plans of different technical community groups. (We have already received some name suggestions for technical community groups, such as “Athens Academy”, “Olympia Mountain”, etc.)

  • Organizational technical contributors

Institutions can cooperate with Ontology to conduct technology research related to their own business, and jointly conduct research on underlying product technologies and common business modules. Both parties can collaborate on technology, funding, resources, and other aspects in a flexible manner.

» Standard process for community contributions

Understand your development needs

We recommend you determine your development needs and objects, and according to the options below choose a gateway.

Build a test network

If you need to deploy blockchains independently, establish your own chains (public/consortium/private), or develop applications on your own chain.

  • Step one: Install Ontology and build a test network.» Install

  • Step two: Construct the ONT ID system. Ontology DID (abbreviation ONT ID) is a decentralized identity protocol based on W3C DID specification. The agreement supports collaborative services such as distributed and diversified affirmation, identification, and authentication of various entities including people, organizations, items, and content. ONT ID is an important infrastructure of the blockchain system. The ONT ID identity protocol and trust framework have been fully implemented to the Ontology blockchain via NeoVM smart contracts.» Install

  • Step three: Deploy the blockchain browser (optional). » Install

dApp development

If you are a dApp developer, you can develop dApps directly on the Ontology TestNet. We recommend that you focus on the use of smart contracts and SDKs.

The SDK already includes the standardized transactions in Ontology. We recommend you use the SDK to interact with Ontology. It currently supports: local wallet management, digital identity management, digital asset management, smart contract deployment and invocation, and node communication.

You can also refer to our RPC and RESTful interfaces, including the following:

A smart contract is a set of digital terms, including which contract participants can execute these terms. Blockchain technology has brought us a decentralized, irreproducible, and highly reliable system. In this environment, smart contracts are very useful. Smart contracts are one of the most important features of blockchain and a main reason why blockchain can be called a “disruptive” technology.

Visit »Ontology Smart Contract Development Guideto learn how to develop and configure your application with smart contracts.

Become an Ontology trust anchor

A trust anchor refers to a partner that provides authentication services for the Ontology ecosystem. These may include government agencies, universities, banks, third party certification service providers (such as CA), biometric technology companies, etc. We welcome trust anchors to join the Ontology system and help build a next-generation distributed trust chain network.

If you would like to be a trust anchor, please apply here.

If you already are a trust anchor,please go to » Verification Provider Specification to understand access procedures and standards.

Other ecosystem developers

Other ecosystem developers can look at our GitHub documents and repositories, and Discord discussions to select topics of interest and gain more in-depth understanding.

Ontology GitHub: https://github.com/ontio

Ontology Discord: https://discord.gg/4TQujHj