English / 中文
Ontology Restful API
Version 0.7.0
Restful API list
Method | url |
get_gen_blk_time | GET /api/v1/node/generateblocktime |
get_conn_count | GET /api/v1/node/connectioncount |
get_blk_txs_by_height | GET /api/v1/block/transactions/height/:height |
get_blk_by_height | GET /api/v1/block/details/height/:height |
get_blk_by_hash | GET /api/v1/block/details/hash/:hash |
get_blk_height | GET /api/v1/block/height |
get_blk_hash | GET /api/v1/block/hash/:height |
get_tx | GET /api/v1/transaction/:hash |
get_storage | GET /api/v1/storage/:hash/:key |
get_balance | GET /api/v1/balance/:addr |
get_contract_state | GET /api/v1/contract/:hash |
get_smtcode_evt_txs | GET /api/v1/smartcode/event/transactions/:height |
get_smtcode_evts | GET /api/v1/smartcode/event/txhash/:hash |
get_blk_hgt_by_txhash | GET /api/v1/block/height/txhash/:hash |
get_merkle_proof | GET /api/v1/merkleproof/:hash |
post_raw_tx | post /api/v1/transaction |
This document describes the restful api format for the http/https used in the Onchain Ontology.
Restful API list
Response parameters descri
Field | Type | Description |
Action | string | action name |
Desc | string | description |
Error | int64 | error code |
Result | object | execute result |
Version | string | version information |
1. get_gen_blk_time
Get the generate block time
Request Example:
curl -i http://server:port/api/v1/node/generateblocktime
Response example:
"Action": "getgenerateblocktime",
"Desc": "SUCCESS"
"Error": 0,
"Result": 6,
"Version": "1.0.0"
2 get_conn_count
Get the number of connected node
Request Example:
curl -i http://server:port/api/v1/node/connectioncount
Response Example:
"Action": "getconnectioncount",
"Desc": "SUCCESS",
"Error": 0,
"Result": 0,
"Version": "1.0.0"
3 get_blk_txs_by_height
Get transactions by block height return all transaction hash contained in the block corresponding to this height
Request Example:
curl -i http://server:port/api/v1/block/transactions/height/100
Response Example:
"Action": "getblocktxsbyheight",
"Desc": "SUCCESS",
"Error": 0,
"Result": {
"Hash": "ea5e5219d2f1591f4feef89885c3f38c83d3a3474a5622cf8cd3de1b93849603",
"Height": 100,
"Transactions": [
"Version": "1.0.0"
4 get_blk_by_height
Get the block by block height return block details based on block height
Request Example:
curl -i http://server:port/api/v1/block/details/height/22
Response Example:
"Action": "getblockbyheight",
"Desc": "SUCCESS",
"Error": 0,
"Result": {
"Hash": "ea5e5219d2f1591f4feef89885c3f38c83d3a3474a5622cf8cd3de1b93849603",
"Header": {
"Version": 0,
"PrevBlockHash": "fc3066adb581c5aee8edaa47eecda2b7cc039c8662757f8b1e3c3aed60314353",
"TransactionsRoot": "37e017cb9de93aa93ef817e82c555812a0a6d5c3f7d6c521c7808a5a77fc93c7",
"BlockRoot": "7154a6dcb3c23254334bc1f5d8f054c143a39ff28f46fdeb8a9c7488147ccec6",
"Timestamp": 1522313652,
"Height": 100,
"ConsensusData": 18012644264110396442,
"NextBookkeeper": "TABrSU6ABhj6Rdw5KozV53wvZNSUATgKHW",
"Bookkeepers": [
"SigData": [
"Hash": "ea5e5219d2f1591f4feef89885c3f38c83d3a3474a5622cf8cd3de1b93849603"
"Transactions": [
"Version": 0,
"Nonce": 0,
"TxType": 0,
"Payload": {
"Nonce": 1522313652068190000
"Attributes": [],
"Fee": [],
"NetworkFee": 0,
"Sigs": [
"PubKeys": [
"M": 1,
"SigData": [
"Hash": "37e017cb9de93aa93ef817e82c555812a0a6d5c3f7d6c521c7808a5a77fc93c7"
"Version": "1.0.0"
5 get_blk_by_hash
Get block by blockhash return block details based on block hash
Request Example:
curl -i http://server:port/api/v1/block/details/hash/ea5e5219d2f1591f4feef89885c3f38c83d3a3474a5622cf8cd3de1b93849603
Response Example:
"Action": "getblockbyhash",
"Desc": "SUCCESS",
"Error": 0,
"Result": {
"Hash": "ea5e5219d2f1591f4feef89885c3f38c83d3a3474a5622cf8cd3de1b93849603",
"Header": {
"Version": 0,
"PrevBlockHash": "fc3066adb581c5aee8edaa47eecda2b7cc039c8662757f8b1e3c3aed60314353",
"TransactionsRoot": "37e017cb9de93aa93ef817e82c555812a0a6d5c3f7d6c521c7808a5a77fc93c7",
"BlockRoot": "7154a6dcb3c23254334bc1f5d8f054c143a39ff28f46fdeb8a9c7488147ccec6",
"Timestamp": 1522313652,
"Height": 100,
"ConsensusData": 18012644264110396442,
"NextBookkeeper": "TABrSU6ABhj6Rdw5KozV53wvZNSUATgKHW",
"Bookkeepers": [
"SigData": [
"Hash": "ea5e5219d2f1591f4feef89885c3f38c83d3a3474a5622cf8cd3de1b93849603"
"Transactions": [
"Version": 0,
"Nonce": 0,
"TxType": 0,
"Payload": {
"Nonce": 1522313652068190000
"Attributes": [],
"Fee": [],
"NetworkFee": 0,
"Sigs": [
"PubKeys": [
"M": 1,
"SigData": [
"Hash": "37e017cb9de93aa93ef817e82c555812a0a6d5c3f7d6c521c7808a5a77fc93c7"
"Version": "1.0.0"
6 get_blk_height
Get the current block height
Request Example:
curl -i http://server:port/api/v1/block/height
Response Example:
"Action": "getblockheight",
"Desc": "SUCCESS",
"Error": 0,
"Result": 327,
"Version": "1.0.0"
7 get_blk_hash
Get blockhash by block height
Request Example:
curl -i http://server:port/api/v1/block/hash/100
Response Example:
"Action": "getblockhash",
"Desc": "SUCCESS",
"Error": 0,
"Result": "3b90ddc4d33c4954c3d87736120e94915f963546861987757f358c9376422255",
"Version": "1.0.0"
8 get_tx
get transaction by transaction hash
####Request Example:
curl -i http://server:port/api/v1/transaction/c5e0d387c6a97aef12f1750840d24b53d9fe7f22f16c7b7703d4a93a28370baa
Response Example:
"Action": "gettransaction",
"Desc": "SUCCESS",
"Error": 0,
"Result": {
"Version": 0,
"Nonce": 0,
"TxType": 0,
"Payload": {
"Nonce": 1522313652068190000
"Attributes": [],
"Fee": [],
"NetworkFee": 0,
"Sigs": [
"PubKeys": [
"M": 1,
"SigData": [
"Hash": "37e017cb9de93aa93ef817e82c555812a0a6d5c3f7d6c521c7808a5a77fc93c7"
"Version": "1.0.0"
9 post_raw_tx
send transaction.
Request Example:
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"Action":"sendrawtransaction", "Version":"1.0.0","Data":"00d00000000080fdcf2b0138c56b6c766b00527ac46c766b51527ac46151c56c766b52527ac46c766b00c31052656749644279507..."}' http://server:port/api/v1/transaction
Post Params:
Take the “AddAttribute” in the IdContract contract as an example
- build parameter
acct := account.Open(account.WALLET_FILENAME, []byte("passwordtest"))
acc, err := acct.GetDefaultAccount()
pubkey := keypair.SerializePublicKey(acc.PubKey())
funcName := "AddAttribute"
paras := []interface{}{[]byte("did:ont:" + acc.Address.ToBase58()),[]byte("key1"),[]byte("bytes"),[]byte("value1"),pubkey}
builder := neovm.NewParamsBuilder(new(bytes.Buffer))
err = BuildSmartContractParamInter(builder, []interface{}{funcName, params})
codeParams := builder.ToArray()
op_verify,_ := common.HexToBytes("69")
codeaddress,_ := common.HexToBytes("8055b362904715fd84536e754868f4c8d27ca3f6")
codeParams = BytesCombine(codeParams,op_verify)
codeParams = BytesCombine(codeParams,codeaddress)
func BytesCombine(pBytes ...[]byte) []byte {
len := len(pBytes)
s := make([][]byte, len)
for index := 0; index < len; index++ {
s[index] = pBytes[index]
sep := []byte("")
return bytes.Join(s, sep)
funcName:the smartcontract function name to be called, params: contract function required parameters, codeAddress: smartcontract address
- build transaction
tx := utils.NewInvokeTransaction(vmtypes.VmCode{ VmType: vmtypes.NEOVM, Code: codeParams, }) tx.Nonce = uint32(time.Now().Unix())
- sign transaction
hash := tx.Hash()
sign, _ := signature.Sign(acc.PrivateKey, hash[:])
tx.Sigs = append(tx.Sigs, &ctypes.Sig{
PubKeys: []keypair.PublicKey{acc.PublicKey},
M: 1,
SigData: [][]byte{sign},
- Convert transactions to hexadecimal strings
txbf := new(bytes.Buffer) err = tx.Serialize(txbf); common.ToHexString(txbf.Bytes())
Related struct
type Transaction struct {
Version byte
TxType TransactionType
Nonce uint32
Payload Payload
Attributes []*TxAttribute
Fee []*Fee
NetWorkFee common.Fixed64
Sigs []*Sig
hash *common.Uint256
type Sig struct {
PubKeys []keypair.PublicKey
M uint8
SigData [][]byte
"Action": "sendrawtransaction",
"Desc": "SUCCESS",
"Error": 0,
"Result": "22471ab3f4b4307a99f00c9a717dbf8b26f5bf63bf47f9c560477da8181de777",
"Version": "1.0.0"
Result: txhash
10 get_storage
Returns the stored value according to the contract script hashes and stored key.
Request Example
curl -i http://localhost:20384/api/v1/storage/ff00000000000000000000000000000000000001/0144587c1094f6929ed7362d6328cffff4fb4da2
"Action": "getstorage",
"Desc": "SUCCESS",
"Error": 0,
"Result": "58d15e17628000",
"Version": "1.0.0"
Result:Returns the stored value according to the contract script hashes and stored key.
11 get_balance
return balance of base58 account address.
addr: Base58 encoded account address
Request Example
curl -i http://localhost:20384/api/v1/balance/TA5uYzLU2vBvvfCMxyV2sdzc9kPqJzGZWq
"Action": "getbalance",
"Desc": "SUCCESS",
"Error": 0,
"Result": {
"ont": "25000000000000000",
"ong": "0"
"Version": "1.0.0"
12 get_contract_state
According to the contract script hash, query the contract information.
Request Example:
curl -i http://server:port/api/v1/contract/fff49c809d302a2956e9dc0012619a452d4b846c
Response Example:
"Action": "getcontract",
"Desc": "SUCCESS",
"Error": 0,
"Version": "1.0.0",
"Result": {
"VmType": 255,
"Code": "4f4e5420546f6b656e",
"NeedStorage": true,
"Name": "ONT",
"CodeVersion": "1.0",
"Author": "Ontology Team",
"Email": "contact@ont.io",
"Description": "Ontology Network ONT Token"
13 get_smtcode_evt_txs
get smart contract event txhash list by height Get a list of transaction hash with smartevent based on height
Example usage:
curl -i http://localhost:20384/api/v1/smartcode/event/transactions/900
"Action": "getsmartcodeeventbyheight",
"Desc": "SUCCESS",
"Error": 0,
"Result": [
"Version": "1.0.0"
Note: result is the txHash list.
14 get_smtcode_evts
get contract event by txhash
Request Example:
curl -i http://localhost:20384/api/v1/smartcode/event/txhash/3e23cf222a47739d4141255da617cd42925a12638ac19cadcc85501f907972c8
"Action": "getsmartcodeeventbyhash",
"Desc": "SUCCESS",
"Error": 0,
"Version": "1.0.0",
"Result": [
"States": [
15 get_blk_hgt_by_txhash
Get block height by transaction hash
Request Example:
curl -i http://localhost:20384/api/v1/block/height/txhash/3e23cf222a47739d4141255da617cd42925a12638ac19cadcc85501f907972c8
"Action": "getblockheightbytxhash",
"Desc": "SUCCESS",
"Error": 0,
"Result": 0,
"Version": "1.0.0"
16 get_merkle_proof
get merkle proof
Request Example:
curl -i http://localhost:20384/api/v1/merkleproof/3e23cf222a47739d4141255da617cd42925a12638ac19cadcc85501f907972c8
"Action": "getmerkleproof",
"Desc": "SUCCESS",
"Error": 0,
"Result": {
"Type": "MerkleProof",
"TransactionsRoot": "fe3a4ee8a44e3e588de55de1b8fe08f08b6184d9c062cf7316fb9481eb57b9e6",
"BlockHeight": 600,
"CurBlockRoot": "57476eba688531dec8555cb712835c7eda48a478431a2cfd3372aeee5298e711",
"CurBlockHeight": 6478,
"TargetHashes": [
"Version": "1.0.0"
Field | Type | Description |
0 | int64 | SUCCESS |
41001 | int64 | SESSION_EXPIRED: invalided or expired session |
41002 | int64 | SERVICE_CEILING: reach service limit |
41003 | int64 | ILLEGAL_DATAFORMAT: illegal dataformat |
41004 | int64 | INVALID_VERSION: invalid version |
42001 | int64 | INVALID_METHOD: invalid method |
42002 | int64 | INVALID_PARAMS: invalid params |
43001 | int64 | INVALID_TRANSACTION: invalid transaction |
43002 | int64 | INVALID_ASSET: invalid asset |
43003 | int64 | INVALID_BLOCK: invalid block |
44001 | int64 | UNKNOWN_TRANSACTION: unknown transaction |
44002 | int64 | UNKNOWN_ASSET: unknown asset |
44003 | int64 | UNKNOWN_BLOCK: unknown block |
45001 | int64 | INTERNAL_ERROR: internel error |
47001 | int64 | SMARTCODE_ERROR: smartcode error |