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Ontology Java SDK User Guide

Version 0.7.0

Basic blockchain interop

The following describes basic blockchain interop function of SDK and defines relevant data structure.

Please use the following methods to initialize OntSDK use case before launching JAVA SDK.

OntSdk wm = OntSdk.getInstance();

Note: setRestful indicates that the connection is established using the restful interface, and setRpc indicates that the connection is established using the rpc interface,setDefaultConnect is used to set default connect method.

Basic operation interfaces

  • Get the current block height
int height = ontSdk.getConnectMgr().getBlockHeight();
  • Get block
Block block = ontSdk.getConnectMgr().getBlock(9757);
  • Get blockchain node count
  • Get block time
  • Get blockchain-based transaction
String info = ontSdk.getConnectMgr().getTransaction(hash);
  • Get InvokeTransaction
InvokeCodeTransaction t = (InvokeCodeTransaction) ontSdk.getConnectMgr().getTransaction(hash);

Data structure

  • Block
Field Type Description
version int version
prevBlockHash UInt256 scripthash of the previous block
transactionsRoot UInt256 merkel root of all the transactions in the block
blockRoot UInt256 block root
timestamp int block time stamp, unix time stamp
height int block height
consensusData long consensus data
nextBookKeeper UInt160 bookkeeping contract scripthash of the next block
sigData array signature
bookKeepers array bookkeepers
hash UInt256 hash value of the block
transactions Transaction[] transaction list in the block
  • Transaction
Field Type Description
version int version
txType TransactionType transaction type
nonce int random number
attributes Attribute[] transaction attribute list
fee Fee[] transaction fee list
networkFee long network fee
sigs Sign[] signature array
payload Payload payload
  • TransactionType
Value Type Description
208 int smart contract deployment
209 int smart contract invocation
0 int Bookkeeping
4 int Enrollment
5 int Vote
  • Signature Area
Field Type Description
pubKeys array public key array
M int M
sigData array signature value array
  • Fee
Field Type Description
amount long amount
payer UInt160 payer
  • Attribute
Field Type Description
usage AttributeUsage usage
data byte[] attribute value
  • TransactionAttributeUsage
Value Type Description
0 int Nonce
32 int Script
129 int DescriptionUrl
144 int Description