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Error Code

Version 0.7.0

Return Code Description Explaination
0 SUCCESS Success
41001 SESSION_EXPIRED Invalid session or timeout (need to login again)
41002 SERVICE_CEILING Reach the service limit
41003 ILLEGAL_DATAFORMAT Illegal data format
42001 INVALID_METHOD Invalid method
42002 INVALID_PARAMS Invalid parameters
42003 INVALID_TOKEN Invalid token
43001 INVALID_TRANSACTION invalid transaction
43002 INVALID_ASSET invalid asset
43003 INVALID_BLOCK invalid block
44001 UNKNOWN_TRANSACTION Transaction not find
44002 UNKNOWN_ASSET Asset not find
44003 UNKNOWN_BLOCK Block not find
45001 INVALID_VERSION Invalid protocal version
45002 INTERNAL_ERROR Internal error
60000 NETWORK_ERROR Network error
60001 DB_OP_ERROR Database operation error
60002 NO_BALANCE Not enough balance
60003 Decrypto_ERROR Decryption error
60004 Encrypto_ERROR Encryption error
60005 Deserialize_BLOCK_ERROR Block deserialization error
60006 Deserialize_TRANSACTION_ERROR Transaction deserialization error
60007 ComposeIssTransaction_ERROR Compose transaction Iss error
60008 ComposeTrfTransaction_ERROR Compose Transaction Trf error
60009 Signature_INCOMPLETE Signature incomplete
60011 IllegalArgument Illegal argument
60012 IllegalAddress Illegal address
60013 IllegalAssetId Illegal assert id
60014 IllegalAmount Illegal Amount
60015 IllegalTxid Illegal Transaction ID