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Standard process for community contributions
(1) Personal Developer or Group Technical contributions
1. Proposals
Login to GitHub OEPs to view existing proposals and make new proposals. New proposals must be prototyped. The Ontology technical committee evaluates proposals and their prototype results, then submits projects to the Ontology Council. Pull requests are also welcome for existing proposals with no code implementation. The Ontology Technical Committee evaluates whether to accept the project based on the development application and sends it to the Ontology Council. The Ontology Council will consider giving appropriate incentives if the proposal is a large contribution to Ontology or will have a large impact.
2. Code contribution
After start the project you can start development. Please submit a pull request according to the GitHub standard processes. The Ontology Technical Committee will make an assessment and submit the report to the Ontology Council. It will then provide incentives based on the results of the assessment.
3. Bug fixing
If a bug is found, submit a pull request according to the GitHub standard processes, which is evaluated by the Ontology Technical Committee and submitted to the Ontology Council. After that, an incentive is given based on the evaluation result.
4. Technical Committee
We welcome community talent to join the Ontology Technical Community. If you are interested, please apply in the developer community on Discord区.
(2) Developer community organizational cooperation
The Ontology Council welcomes organizations to discuss cooperation please indicate that you are requesting technical community cooperation. The Ontology Council will carry out reviews based on the proposal, code contributions, and weekly reviews (JIRA will be used for management). Incentives will be distributed to partner institutions on a regular basis. Particularly excellent organizations can be considered for investment from Ontology.
Ontology Technical Committee:
Group | Name | Discord | GitHub | Gitter |
ontology | Weng Junjie | luodanwg | luodanwg | luodanwg |
Zhou Yan | harry.zy | harryzy | harryzy | |
Tan Yuan | tanyuan | tanZiWen | tanZiWen | |
OEPs | Hu Ning | dcjojo | javajoker | javajoker |
Cong Honglei | Honglei | Honglei-Cong | Honglei-Cong | |
dApps | Xiao Min | xiaomin-trouble shooting | xiaomin49 | xiaomin49 |
Ding Wenbing | dwb1991 | dwb19911025 | dwb19911025 |