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Digital Asset Management

Version 0.7.0


Wallet is a data storing file of JSON format. In the terms of Ontology, Wallet could store not only the digital identity but also digital assets.

Wallet Data Specification

	name: string;
    ontid: string;
    createTime: string;
    version: string;
    scrypt: {
        "n": number;
        "r": number;
        "p": number;
    identities: Array<Identity>;
    accounts: Array<Account>;
    extra: null;

name is the name of wallet given by user.

ontid is the unique ontid of wallet.

createTime is the creation time of wallet of ISO format, such as “2018-02-06T03:05:12.360Z”

version is set to a constant 1.0. It is provided for the future update.

scrypt is the parameters used in the encryption algorithm, which is used in the encryption of wallet and decryption of private key.

identities is the array of all digital identity object in the wallet.

accounts is the array of all digital asset object in the wallet.

extra is the field used by client developer to store extra informations. It can be null.

More detail about wallet data specification could be found in Wallet_File_Specification.

1.1 Create An Wallet

Users could create their wallet from scratch.

1)Create an empty wallet

Users only need to pass the name of their wallets.

import {Wallet} from 'Ont'
var wallet = new Wallet()
wallet.create( name )

2) Create an account and add it to your wallet

Users need to provide private key, password as well as acccount name to create an new account. In particular, the private key could be generated functions provided by SDK. The algorithm used in account creation would be specified as well. The data structure of algorithm object is shown as follow:

  algorithm: string // The name of algorithm
  parameters: {}    // The parameters used in the algorithm

SDK will use the default algorithm to create account if no algorithm object is specified.

The created account could then be added to the wallet.

import {Account, Core} from 'Ont'
var account = new Account()
var privateKey = Core.generatePrivateKeyStr()
account.create( privateKey, password, name )

Account Data Structure。

  address : string,
  label : string,
  lock : boolean,
  algorithm : string,
  parameters : {},
  key : string,
  extra : null

address is the account address encoded in base58

label is the name of account

lock specifies whether the account is locked by user. The client cannot spend assets in a locked account.

algorithm is the name of encryption algorithm

parameters is the list of parameters used in the encryption algorithm

key is the private key of NEP-2 format. This field can be null (for read-only or non-standard address).

extra is the field used by client developer to store extra informations. It can be null.

Create An Account

import {Account} from 'Ont'
var account = new Account()
//@param {string} privateKey The user's private key
//@param {string} password The user's password
//@param {string} label The name of account账户的名称
//@param {object} algorithmObj optional parameter. The encryption algorithm object.
account.create(privateKey, password, label, algorithmObj)

Import An Account

Users cuold import an account by the backup data.

The process of importing an account will need to verify the password as well as encrypted private key, and return the corresponding error if not correct.

import { Account } from 'Ont'
//@param {accountDataStr} The JSON string of account
//@param {encryptedPrivateKey} The encrypted private key
//@param {password} The password used for encrypt private key
var account;
try {
    account = Account.importAccount(accountDataStr, encryptedPrivateKey, password)
} catch(error) {
    //password or private key incorrect

Digital Asset Transfer

Introduction of Asset Transfer Function

function makeTransferTransaction(tokenType:string, from : string, to : string, value : string,  privateKey : string)

tokenType: token Type of token
from: The hashed-public-key address of transferer
to: The hashed-public-key address of transferee
value: Transfer amount. The amounnt should be motiplied with 10^8 in order to avoid of any accuracy loss
privateKey: The private key of transferer that is corresponding to the publick key

Type of Token

  ONT : 'ONT',  //Ontology Token
  ONG : 'ONG'   //Ontology Gas

An example

import { makeTransferTransaction, buildRestParam } from "../src/transaction/transactionBuilder";

var tx = makeTransferTransaction( 'ONT', '0144587c1094f6929ed7362d6328cffff4fb4da2', 'ffeeddccbbaa99887766554433221100ffeeddcc', '1000000000', '760bb46952845a4b91b1df447c2f2d15bb40ab1d9a368d9f0ee4bf0d67500160' )

var restData = buildRestParam(tx)

axios.post('', restData).then(res => {
       console.log('transfer response: ' + JSON.stringify(res.data))
   }).catch(err => {

Inquiry of Digital Asset: getBalance

//nodeURL The IP address of note
//httpRestPort The port exposed to the Restful interface by node
//address The address of Blanace Inquiry


let request = ``
	axios.get(request).then((res : any) => {
		if(res.data.Error === 0) {
			let obj = {
				error : 0,
				result : res.data.Result
		} else {
			let obj = {
				error: res.data.Error,
				result : ''
	}).catch( (err:any) => {
		let obj = {
			error: JSON.stringify(err),
			result: ''