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Ontology Java SDK User Guide
Version 0.7.0
Relevant descriptions of digital ID can be found in ONT ID Protocol and Trust Framework.
Wallet file specification
A wallet file is a JSON data storage file that stores multiple digital identities and digital asset accounts. You may refer to Wallet File Specification for detailed information.
You need to create/open a wallet file to create a digital identity.
//If the wallet file does not exist, a wallet file will be auto-generated.
Note: Only wallet file in the operating file format is currently supported, with extended support of database or other storage methods.
Digital ID account management
- 1 Data structure
A user’s only identity
The name of a user ID
Indicates whether the user’s ID is locked, whose default value is false. Locked id info cannot get updated in the client
The array of identity ControlData
The field that client developer stores extra information, whose value may be null
//Identity data structure
public class Identity {
public String label = "";
public String ontid = "";
public boolean isDefault = false;
public boolean lock = false;
public List<Control> controls = new ArrayList<Control>();
Encryption algorithm
The parameters used in the encryption algorithm
Elliptic curve
The single identifier of control
NEP-2 private key
public class Control {
public String algorithm = "ECDSA";
public Map parameters = new HashMap() ;
public String id = "";
public String key = "";
- 2 Create a digital identity
ontsdk instance init
String url = "";
OntSdk wm = OntSdk.getInstance();
Note: Ontid is implemented by a smart contract, so the ontid smart contract codeHash needs to be set.
Digital identity creation refers to generation of a digital identity with identity data structure and writing it to wallet file.
Identity identity = ontSdk.getWalletMgr().createIdentity("password");
//The account or identity created is stored in the memory only and a write api is required to write it to the wallet file.
- 3 Register blockchain-based identity
The identity cannot be put to use until being successfully registered on the blockchain.
Upon successful registration, the corresponding DDO of the ONT ID will be stored in Ontology blockchain. Detailed information about DDO can be found in ONT ID identity protocol and smart contract implementation.
- 4 Import account or identity
Users who have already created a digital identity or account may import it into a wallet file from SDK.
Note: It is advised to check if an identity already exists on the blockchain before you import one. If DDO does not exist, it means that no such identity has been registered on the blockchain. Then you may need to use ontSdk.getOntIdTx().register(identity) for registration.
Identity identity = ontSdk.getWalletMgr().importIdentity("6PYMpk8DjWzaEvneyaqxMBap9DuUPH72W6BsWWTtpWE4JJZkGq5ENtfYbT","passwordtest");
//write to wallet
- 5 Query blockchain-based identity
DDO of blockchain-based identity can be queried by entering ONT ID.
//get DDO by entering ONT ID
String ddo = ontSdk.getOntIdTx().sendGetDDO(ontid,"passwordtest",ontid);
//return in DDO format
"OntId": "did:ont:AMs5NFdXPgCgC7Dci1FdFttvD42HELoLxG",
"Attributes": {
"attri0": {
"Type": "String",
"Value": "\"value0\""
"Owners": [
"Type": "ECDSA",
"Value": "0392a4dbb2a44da81e0942cee1a62ff4298e04ed463b88911b97de19a1597fa83d"
- 6 Remove identity
//wrote to wallet
- 7 Set default account or identity
- 8 Update blockchain-based DDO attribute
//update an attribute
String sendUpdateAttribute(String ontid,String password,byte[] key,byte[] type,byte[] value)
| Param | Field | Type | Descriptions | Remarks | | —– | ——- | —— | ————- | ———– | | input param | password| String | publisher’s address | required, password to decrypt private key| | | ontid | String | name of asset | required, ID | | | key | byte[] | key | required, key | | | type | byte[] | type | required, type | | | value | byte[] | value | required, value | | output param | txhash | String | transaction hash | 64-bit string |
- 9 Remove blockchain-based DDO attribute
String hash = ontSdk.getOntIdTx().sendRemoveAttribute(did.ontid, "passwordtest", "attri".getBytes());
| Param | Field | Type | Descriptions | Remarks | | —– | ——- | —— | ————- | ——————- | | input param | password| String | publisher’s address | required, password to decrypt private key | | | ontid | String | name of asset | required, ID | | | key | byte[] | key | required, key | | output param | txhash | String | transaction hash | 64-bit string |
Verifiable claim
1 Data structure specification
- Claim has the following data structure:
unsignedData : string,
signedData : string,
context : string,
id : string,
claim : {},
metadata : Metadata,
signature : Signature
A JSON string of unsigned claim objects, including Context, Id, Claim, and Metadata
A JSON string of signed claim objects, including claim object and digitally signed object
Identification of claim template
Identification of claim object
Claim content
Metadata of claim object
- Metadata has the following data structure
createTime : datetime string
issuer : string,
subject : string,
expires : datetime string
revocation : string,
crl : string
The time the claim is created
Claim issuer
Claim subject
Expiry date of the claim
Revocation method of the claim
The link of claim revocation list
- Signature has the following data structure
format : string,
algorithm : string,
value : string
format refers to signature format
algorithm represnets signature algorithm.
value refers to computed signature value
2 Sign and issue verifiable claim
Verifiable claim is constructed based on user input, which contains signed data.
Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>();
map.put("Issuer", dids.get(0).ontid);
map.put("Subject", dids.get(1).ontid);
String claim = ontSdk.getOntIdTx().createOntIdClaim(ontid,"passwordtest","claim:context",map,map);
Note: The Issuer may have multiple public keys. The parameter ontid of createOntIdClaim specifies which public key to use.
3 Verify verifiable claim
boolean b = ontSdk.getOntIdTx().verifyOntIdClaim(dids.get(0).ontid,"passwordtest",claim);
4 Use cases
//register ontid
Identity ident = ontSdk.getOntIdTx().sendRegister("passwordtest");
String ontid = ident.ontid;
//update attribute
String hash = ontSdk.getOntIdTx().sendUpdateAttribute(ontid,"passwordtest", attri.getBytes(), "Json".getBytes(), JSON.toJSONString(recordMap).getBytes());
Note: When the attribute does not exist, calling the sendUpdateAttribute method will increase the corresponding attribute. When the attribute exists, the corresponding attribute will be updated. Attri represents the attribute name, “Json” is the attribute value data type, and recordMap represents the attribute value.
Claim issuance and verification:
Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>();
map.put("Issuer", dids.get(0).ontid);
map.put("Subject", dids.get(1).ontid);
//Password is confidentially held by the issuer, who must be contained in wallet file ontid.
String claim = ontSdk.getOntIdTx().createOntIdClaim(ontid,"passwordtest","claim:context",map,map);
boolean b = ontSdk.getOntIdTx().verifyOntIdClaim(ontid,"passwordtest",claim);