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Ontology TestNet Build

Version 0.7.0

Server deployment

To run Ontology successfully, nodes can be deployed by two ways:

  • Single-host deployment
  • Multi-hosts deployment
    • Deploy nodes on the public test network

Single-host deployment configuration

Create a directory on the host and store the following files in the directory:

  • Default configuration file config.json
  • Node program + Node control program ontology
  • Wallet filewallet.dat, copy the contents of the configuration file config-solo.config in the root directory to config.json and start the node.
  • Edit the config.json file and replace the bookkeeper entries with the public key of your wallet (created above). Use $ ./ontology wallet show --name=wallet.dat to get your public key.

Here’s a example of single-host configuration:

  • Directory structure
    $ tree
    └── ontology
      ├── config.json
      ├── ontology
      └── wallet.dat

Bookkeepers in the config.json file:

"Bookkeepers": [ "1202021c6750d2c5d99813997438cee0740b04a73e42664c444e778e001196eed96c9d" ],

Multi-hosts deployment configuration

We can perform a quick deployment by modifying the default configuration file config.json.

  1. Copy related file into target host, including:

    • Default configuration fileconfig.json
    • Node programontology
  2. Set the network connection port number for each node (recommend using the default port configuration, instead of modifying)

    • NodePortis P2P connection port number (default: 20338)
    • HttpJsonPort and HttpLocalPort are RPC port numbers (default: 20336, 20337)
  3. Seed nodes configuration

    • Select at least one seed node out of 4 hosts and fill the seed node address into the SeelList of each configuration file. The format is Seed node IP address + Seed node NodePort.
  4. Create wallet file

    • Through command line program, on each host create wallet wallet.dat needed for node implementation.

      $ ./ontology wallet create --name=wallet.dat

      Note: Set wallet password by parameter -p.

  5. Bookkeepers configuration

    • While creating a wallet for each node, the public key information of the wallet will be displayed. Fill in the public key information of all nodes in the Bookkeepers field of each node’s configuration file.

      Note: The public key information for each node’s wallet can also be viewed via the command line program:

      $ ./ontology wallet show --name=wallet.dat

Now multi-host configuration is completed, directory structure of each node is as follows:

$ ls
config.json ontology wallet.dat

A configuration file fragment is as follows, you refer to the config.json file in the root directory.

Deploy nodes on public test network (default config)

Start with the following configuration file to connect to the current ONT test network.

$ cat config.json
  "Configuration": {
    "Magic": 7630401,
    "Version": 23,
    "SeedList": [
    "Bookkeepers": [
    "HttpRestPort": 20334,
    "HttpJsonPort": 20336,
    "HttpLocalPort": 20337,
    "NodePort": 20338,
    "NodeConsensusPort": 20339,
    "PrintLevel": 1,
    "IsTLS": false,
    "MaxTransactionInBlock": 60000,
    "MultiCoreNum": 4


Run each node program in any order and enter the node’s wallet password after the Password: prompt appears.

$ ./ontology
$ - Input your wallet password

Run ./ontology --help for details.



Smart contract guide

ONT transfer sample

contract:contract address; - from: transfer from; - to: transfer to; - value: amount;

  .\ontology asset transfer --caddr=ff00000000000000000000000000000000000001 --value=500 --from  TA6nAAdX77wcsAnuBQxG61zXg3vJUAPpgk  --to TA6Hsjww86b9KBbXFyKEayMcVVafoTGH4K  --password=xxx