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Ontology Rpc Api

版本 0.7.0

Rpc API list

Method Parameters Description Note
getbestblockhash   get the hash of the highest height block in the main chain  
getblock height or blockhash,[verbose] get block by block height or block hash verbose can be 0 or 1,response is different
getblockcount   get the number of blocks  
getblockhash height get block hash by block height  
getconnectioncount   get the current number of connections for the node  
getgenerateblocktime   The time required to create a new block  
getrawtransaction transactionhash Returns the corresponding transaction information based on the specified hash value.  
sendrawtransaction hex Broadcast transaction. Serialized signed transactions constructed in the program into hexadecimal strings
getstorage script_hash Returns the stored value according to the contract script hashes and stored key.  
getversion   Get the version information of the query node  
getblocksysfee   According to the specified index, return the system fee before the block.  
getcontractstate script_hash According to the contract script hash, query the contract information.  
getmempooltxstate tx_hash Query the transaction status in the memory pool.  
getsmartcodeevent   Get smartcode event  
getblockheightbytxhash tx_hash get blockheight of txhash  
getbalance address return balance of base58 account address.  


Request parameter description:

Field Type Description
jsonrpc string jsonrpc version
method string method name
params string method required parameters
id int any value

Response parameter description:

Field Type Description
desc string resopnse description
error int64 error code
jsonrpc string jsonrpc version
id int any value
result object program execution result

Note: The type of result varies with the request.

Block field description

Field Type Description
Header *Header  
Transactions []*Transaction  
hash *Uint256  

Header field description

Field Type Description
Version uint32 version number
PrevBlockHash Uint256 The hash of the previous block
TransactionsRoot Uint256 The root of the Merkle tree for all transactions in this block
BlockRoot Uint256 blockroot
Timestamp int block timestamp,uinix timestamp
Height int block height
ConsensusData uint64  
NextBookkeeper Address Accounting contract hash value for the next block
Bookkeepers []*crypto.PubKey  
SigData [][]byte  
Hash Uint256 Script to verify the block

Transaction field description

Field Type Description
Version byte version number
TxType TransactionType transaction type
Payload Payload payload
Nonce uint32 random number
Attributes []*TxAttribute  
Fee []*Fee transaction fees
NetworkFee Fixed64 neitwork fees
Sigs []*Sig signature array
Hash *Uint256 transaction hash

Rpc API list

1. getbestblockhash

Get the hash of the highest height block in the main chain.



  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "getbestblockhash",
  "params": [],
  "id": 1


  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": "773dd2dae4a9c9275290f89b56e67d7363ea4826dfd4fc13cc01cf73a44b0d0e"

Response instruction:

Result: The hash of the highest block height in the main chain.

2. getblock

Get the block information by block hash or height.

Parameter instruction

Parameter Type Optional/required Description
Hash/height String/long Required Block hash/height
Verbose int Optional Optional parameter, the default value of verbose is 0. When verbose is 0, it returns the block serialized information, which is represented by a hexadecimal string. To get detailed information from it, you need to call the SDK to deserialize. When verbose is 1, the detailed information of the corresponding block is returned, which is represented by a JSON format string.



  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "getblock",
  "params": ["773dd2dae4a9c9275290f89b56e67d7363ea4826dfd4fc13cc01cf73a44b0d0e"],
  "id": 1


  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "getblock",
  "params": [100],
  "id": 1

Response when verbose is nil:

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": "00000000ccc7612928aab25db55ab31c35c64929ce4d89f9a16d0753fddf9da63d0c339b77be0e825f3180b4d706045e42a101f5becea5d59a7d6aac58cdff0c0bd0b6a949c6405eae477bb053406c0a4f56a830289798e2d70dc77e0a1d927fa9fb93c47625f316f1bb594150e0f4c3b4c4c6394e0444f876c766b0130527ac46c766b0130c3648c00616c766b51c3c0519c009c6c766b0131527ac46c766b0131c3641000616c766b52c30052c461625400616c766b51c300c36c766b0132527ac46c766b0132c36165b3206c..."

Response when verbose = 1:

    "desc": "SUCCESS",
    "error": 0,
    "id": 1,
    "jsonpc": "2.0",
    "result": {
        "Hash": "95555da65d6feaa7cde13d6bf12131f750b670569d98c63813441cf24a99c0d2",
        "Header": {
            "Version": 0,
            "PrevBlockHash": "205c905493c7c1e3be7cd58542e45aafb007edcb8363f8ff555f63745f1b7ce5",
            "TransactionsRoot": "4452db2634d81e80048002c2f327b25ded4e547ebfcc1b28f28608938b9d2154",
            "BlockRoot": "42e01a2b27c182d4e115883c3b166a0fbc019efe2498b568b7febcc83a35346e",
            "Timestamp": 1522295648,
            "Height": 2,
            "ConsensusData": 10322907760044199803,
            "NextBookkeeper": "TAAr9AH4NqxXSKur7XTUbmP8wsKD4KPL2t",
            "Bookkeepers": [
            "SigData": [
            "Hash": "95555da65d6feaa7cde13d6bf12131f750b670569d98c63813441cf24a99c0d2"
        "Transactions": [
                "Version": 0,
                "Nonce": 0,
                "TxType": 0,
                "Payload": {
                    "Nonce": 1522295648487066000
                "Attributes": [],
                "Fee": [],
                "NetworkFee": 0,
                "Sigs": [
                        "PubKeys": [
                        "M": 1,
                        "SigData": [
                "Hash": "4452db2634d81e80048002c2f327b25ded4e547ebfcc1b28f28608938b9d2154"

3. getblockcount

Get the number of blocks in the main chain.



  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "getblockcount",
  "params": [],
  "id": 1


  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": 2519

Response instruction:

Result: the height of the main chain.

4. getblockhash

Returns the hash value of the corresponding block according to the specified index.

Parameter instruction

Index: block index.



  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "getblockhash",
  "params": [10000],
  "id": 1


  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": "4c1e879872344349067c3b1a30781eeb4f9040d3795db7922f513f6f9660b9b2"

5. getconnectioncount

Get the current number of connections for the node.



  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "getconnectioncount",
  "params": [],
  "id": 1


  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": 10

6. getgenerateblocktime

Get a list of unconfirmed transactions in memory.



  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "getgenerateblocktime",
  "params": [],
  "id": 1


  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": [

These are the undetermined transactions received by the node, that is, those with zero confirmed transactions.

7. getrawtransaction

Returns the corresponding transaction information based on the specified hash value.

Parameter instruction

txid: transaction ID

Verbose: Optional parameter, the default value of verbose is 0, when verbose is 0, it returns the block serialized information, which is represented by a hexadecimal string. To get detailed information from it, you need to call the SDK to deserialize. When verbose is 1, the detailed information of the corresponding block is returned, which is represented by a JSON format string.



  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "getrawtransaction",
  "params": ["f4250dab094c38d8265acc15c366dc508d2e14bf5699e12d9df26577ed74d657"],
  "id": 1


  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": "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"


    "desc": "SUCCESS",
    "error": 0,
    "id": 1,
    "jsonpc": "2.0",
    "result": {
        "Version": 0,
        "Nonce": 3377520203,
        "TxType": 209,
        "Payload": {
            "Code": "00ff00000000000000000000000000000000000001087472616e736665722d000100017d439492af400d014c2b0cc4975d7252868d8001c484de9cde9d10c3bf49362e6d66a6c3b196b70164",
            "GasLimit": 0,
            "VmType": 255
        "Attributes": [
                "Usage": 0,
                "Data": "34336234663163352d373764392d346634342d626262662d326539396136656538376237"
        "Fee": [
                "Amount": 0,
                "Payer": "017d439492af400d014c2b0cc4975d7252868d80"
        "NetworkFee": 0,
        "Sigs": [
                "PubKeys": [
                "M": 1,
                "SigData": [
        "Hash": "a724c0215afa1aeb31be857f2fc69038cf557b4748941bfed8281473b39152e7"

8. sendrawtransaction

send transaction.

Parameter instruction

Hex: Serialized signed transactions constructed in the program into hexadecimal strings.Building the parameter,please refer to TestInvokefunction in ontology/http/func_test.go.

How to build the parameter?

Take the “AddAttribute” in the IdContract contract as an example

  1. build parameter
acct := account.Open(account.WALLET_FILENAME, []byte("passwordtest"))
acc, err := acct.GetDefaultAccount()
pubkey := keypair.SerializePublicKey(acc.PubKey())
funcName := "AddAttribute"
paras := []interface{}{[]byte("did:ont:" + acc.Address.ToBase58()),[]byte("key1"),[]byte("bytes"),[]byte("value1"),pubkey}
builder := neovm.NewParamsBuilder(new(bytes.Buffer))
err = BuildSmartContractParamInter(builder, []interface{}{funcName, params})
codeParams := builder.ToArray()
op_verify,_ := common.HexToBytes("69")
codeaddress,_ := common.HexToBytes("8055b362904715fd84536e754868f4c8d27ca3f6")
codeParams = BytesCombine(codeParams,op_verify)
codeParams = BytesCombine(codeParams,codeaddress)

func BytesCombine(pBytes ...[]byte) []byte {
	len := len(pBytes)
	s := make([][]byte, len)
	for index := 0; index < len; index++ {
		s[index] = pBytes[index]
	sep := []byte("")
	return bytes.Join(s, sep)

funcName:the smartcontract function name to be called, params: contract function required parameters, codeAddress: smartcontract address

  1. build transaction
    tx := utils.NewInvokeTransaction(vmtypes.VmCode{
         VmType: vmtypes.NEOVM,
         Code:   codeParams,
     tx.Nonce = uint32(time.Now().Unix())
  2. sign transaction
hash := tx.Hash()
sign, _ := signature.Sign(acc.PrivateKey, hash[:])
tx.Sigs = append(tx.Sigs, &ctypes.Sig{
    PubKeys: []keypair.PublicKey{acc.PublicKey},
    M:       1,
    SigData: [][]byte{sign},
  1. Convert transactions to hexadecimal strings
    txbf := new(bytes.Buffer)
    err = tx.Serialize(txbf);

Related struct

type Transaction struct {
	Version    byte
	TxType     TransactionType
	Nonce      uint32
	Payload    Payload
	Attributes []*TxAttribute
	Fee        []*Fee
	NetWorkFee common.Fixed64
	Sigs       []*Sig

	hash *common.Uint256

type Sig struct {
	PubKeys []keypair.PublicKey
	M       uint8
	SigData [][]byte



  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "sendrawtransaction",
  "params": ["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"],
  "id": 1


    "desc": "SUCCESS",
    "error": 0,
    "id": 1,
    "jsonpc": "2.0",
    "result": "498db60e96828581eff991c58fa46abbfd97d2f4a4f9915a11f85c54f2a2fedf"

Note:result is txhash

9. getstorage

Returns the stored value according to the contract script hashes and stored key.

Parameter instruction

script_hash: Contract script hash.

Key: stored key (required to be converted into hex string)



    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "getstorage",
    "params": ["03febccf81ac85e3d795bc5cbd4e84e907812aa3", "5065746572"],
    "id": 15


    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "id": 15,
    "result": "4c696e"

result: Hexadecimal string

10. getversion

Get the version information of the query node.



  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "getversion",
  "params": [],
  "id": 3


  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 3,
  "result": {
      "port": 0,
      "nonce": 156443862,
      "useragent": "/ONT:1.0.0/"

11. getsmartcodeevent

Get smartcode event.

Parameter instruction

blockheight: getsmartcodeevent by blockheight or txHash: getsmartcodeevent by txhash



  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "getsmartcodeevent",
  "params": [3],
  "id": 3


  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "getsmartcodeevent",
  "params": ["3ba4b4e463a717635614595378f2aac78feacc7d4dfda075bfcf9328cbbcdb7c"],
  "id": 3


  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 3,
  "result": {



    "desc": "SUCCESS",
    "error": 0,
    "id": 1,
    "jsonpc": "2.0",
    "result": [
            "States": [

Note: If params is a number, the response result will be the txhash list. If params is txhash, the response result will be smartcode event.

12. getblocksysfee

According to the specified index, return the system fee before the block.

Parameter instruction

Index: Block index



  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "getblocksysfee",
  "params": [1005434],
  "id": 1


    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "id": 1,
    "result": "195500"

Response instruction:

Result: The system fee before the block and the unit is OntGas.

13. getcontractstate

According to the contract script hash, query the contract information.

Parameter instruction

script_hash: Contract script hash.



  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "getcontractstate",
  "params": ["fff49c809d302a2956e9dc0012619a452d4b846c",1],
  "id": 1


    "desc": "SUCCESS",
    "error": 0,
    "id": 1,
    "jsonpc": "2.0",
    "result": {
        "VmType": 255,
        "Code": "4f4e5420546f6b656e",
        "NeedStorage": true,
        "Name": "ONT",
        "CodeVersion": "1.0",
        "Author": "Ontology Team",
        "Email": "contact@ont.io",
        "Description": "Ontology Network ONT Token"

14. getmempooltxstate

Query the transaction status in the memory pool.

Parameter instruction

tx_hash: transaction hash.



  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "getmempooltxstate",
  "params": ["773dd2dae4a9c9275290f89b56e67d7363ea4826dfd4fc13cc01cf73a44b0d0e"],
  "id": 1


    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "id": 1,
    "result": {

15. getblockheightbytxhash

get blockheight by txhash

Parameter instruction

txhash: transaction hash



  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "getblockheightbytxhash",
  "params": ["c453557af780fe403db6e954ebc9adeafd5818c596c6c60e5cc42851c5b41884"],
  "id": 1


    "desc": "SUCCESS",
    "error": 0,
    "id": 1,
    "jsonpc": "2.0",
    "result": 10

16. getbalance

return balance of base58 account address.

Parameter instruction

address: Base58-encoded form of account address



  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "getbalance",
  "params": ["TA5uYzLU2vBvvfCMxyV2sdzc9kPqJzGZWq"],
  "id": 1



17. getmerkleproof

return merkle proof

Parameter instruction

hash: transaction hash



  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "getmerkleproof",
  "params": ["0087217323d87284d21c3539f216dd030bf9da480372456d1fa02eec74c3226d"],
  "id": 1


        "Type": "MerkleProof",
        "TransactionsRoot": "fe3a4ee8a44e3e588de55de1b8fe08f08b6184d9c062cf7316fb9481eb57b9e6",
        "BlockHeight": 600,
        "CurBlockRoot": "57476eba688531dec8555cb712835c7eda48a478431a2cfd3372aeee5298e711",
        "CurBlockHeight": 6478,
        "TargetHashes": [


errorcode instruction

Field Type Description
0 int64 SUCCESS
41001 int64 SESSION_EXPIRED: invalided or expired session
41002 int64 SERVICE_CEILING: reach service limit
41003 int64 ILLEGAL_DATAFORMAT: illegal dataformat
41004 int64 INVALID_VERSION: invalid version
42001 int64 INVALID_METHOD: invalid method
42002 int64 INVALID_PARAMS: invalid params
43001 int64 INVALID_TRANSACTION: invalid transaction
43002 int64 INVALID_ASSET: invalid asset
43003 int64 INVALID_BLOCK: invalid block
44001 int64 UNKNOWN_TRANSACTION: unknown transaction
44002 int64 UNKNOWN_ASSET: unknown asset
44003 int64 UNKNOWN_BLOCK: unknown block
45001 int64 INTERNAL_ERROR: internel error
47001 int64 SMARTCODE_ERROR: smartcode error